Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Seasons Greetings, Mr. Scopes

Generally I agree with more conservative Christians that we have gone too far in scrubbing reference to God and religion from schools and public life. Surely we can talk about religion, Christianity, and God without proselytizing, can't we?

However, boycotting stores that say "Seasons Greetings" is just about the stupidest idea I've ever heard. How is a store putting up a "Merry Christmas" banner putting Christ back in Christmas? Because Jesus told us to love God and our neighbor as much as ourselves and shop till we drop? You've got to be kidding me.

Even worse because it's more serious is this whole intelligent design nonsense. Why do Christians feel the need to blend science and religion, thereby watering down both? Let the schools teach the best science available at the time. Let the church teach who made it that way. The Bible is a book of theology, not science. Evolution is a theory of science, not theology. Let's not confuse the two, please.


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